How to prepare for a surf trip in Bali – Tips and trix
To us, surfing in Bali is one of the most enjoyable things in life, and the fact that it is actually a great exercise is just one of the benefits of surfing. You don’t have to do any preparation before you come and visit us in Bali, but if you you are really stoked and can’t wait to get started, there is a few simple things to do to help get the most out of your stay with us.
You can have a lot of fun just surfing close to shore and playing around in the waist deep water, but once you start surfing a bit further out, a good swimmer will have a head start. Get down to your local swimming pool a couple of times a week to get your freestyle swimming going, the payoff will be huge. It can be difficult to get started but hang in there and you will go from being able to go one length to 15-20 lengths in a month or so. To improve your technique we recommend watching a few youtube videos, our personal favorite is Alexander Popov who shows how important the rhythm and control is when swimming.
Watch the video
Surfing will make you feel like a kid again, and what better way to get into that feeling by spending some time on a skateboard. It’s really about improving your balance but it is also a great tool to improve your stands (how you stand on your surfboard). So just enjoy the feeling, cruise around and remember to stay relaxed, drop the back knee, and open your shoulders. Craig Anderson is one of the most stylish surfers around, and has some great stands to show off:

Flexibility & core strenght
Flexibility can often be limiting to a lot of people as you need to be pretty flexible to get the most from your surfing. Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility while also strengthening your core muscles, which will improve your balance greatly. So give it a try, and if you don’t have the prssibility to attend a class, give youtube a try!
Once you’re here with us you also have the option to book a few lessons with our yoga teacher at the camp to make sure you’re doing it right and help you get a routine that will help for your next surf trip! Check out our additional yoga package.
It is also a good idea to get your strength up, especially in those paddle muscles, legs, and torso. If you need some inspiration for your next gym session we have compiled a Pinterest board with some of our favorite exercises and training tips.
Good luck with your training!